Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Next Race

I am considering racing next tuesday in a crit series here in town. I am a little gun shy after the debacle in Marty Minnesota. I have been feeling stronger since coming back from bran and have kept my miles up pretty well. I think it may be time to go test myself again see how I am progressing.  The crit is almost entirely flat and in an open coarse. So may be a good one for a newby like me. I am hoping more of the team will be interested in racing. Being alone at these races adds a level of stress to them, like it needs more! But I've been riding well lately and hanging on to the team rides relatively well. Something that was not true only a few months ago. 

Here is a link to the race series and the results from the last two iterations

I need to get me bike insured before I race again if I wreck it I will have a hard time replacing it.
Insuring it will be a bit expensive but worth it to ensure I'm covered if I wreck.

The new bike is riding really well tho I am a bit self conscious on it. It's a little conspicuous and it makes me sort of embarrassed. But I'm trying to take this seriously and do my best. So I put myself on the best bike I could afford. 

I am looking forward to racing again. I have no idea how it will go but as always courage is important.

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