Me finishing The durand road race with a birchwood racer

One reader has teased me that my photo's and movies tend to feature peoples butts.. here ya go. As we all know the reality is in cycling you spend a fair bit of time with other peoples butts in your face.
So the durand road race was good. I did as usual coming in toward the back. There are several circumstances that are keeping me from being too bumbed out. Most Importantly I am still in a base period of training and nowhere near ready to race. I knew that going in and so looked on the race as an opportunity to get some training in and have some fun. mission accomplished.
I am on a new training plan and it includes weight lifting and plyometric drills. so I have been consistently sore for the past few weeks. I am having moments on the bike that are really encouraging, but they are fleeting. Hopefully as I near the preparatory and racing periods these occurrences of good performance will be more consistent.

The team is having one hell of a spring and is getting podiums in about every race we're in. Unbelievable. Keep in mind we're all beginners and in cat 5 but, but compared to last year when I was nearly alone out there and getting slaughtered. It's a night and day change.
I am hope to finish a race this year in the lead group. I am reluctant to say getting on the podium this year. We've come a long way from two years ago for sure but keeping it real is important. Goal #1 is start finishing races in the front. We'll worry about where in the front we end up, once we're there.
Thanks to my team mates, The Big Kahuna, and Mo for all their support!