The first race of the year was Tuesday and a teammate won. It was a cat 5 win as we are all beginners but a win is a win. So everyone is really excited for the durand road race this weekend. I just hope the weather holds. The early season races can be cold and rainy. I am feeling pretty good. I can tell I'm not anywhere near a peak but that's how it goes.
I am starting to feel some confidence creeping into my cycling and feeling mentally stronger than I have this time of year in past years. I have been riding relatively strong with my teammates and on my solo training rides.
I think I am finally starting to develop some usable leg strength. I am finding I can ride temporarily in a little bigger gear letting my cardio recover a bit. It's not there yet by any means but it's a tool that I didn't have last year.
I have been thinking about strategy for the race on saturday. I think I ride with more confidence. Ride closer to the front and risk being on the front a little bit. I always ride very very conservatively which holds me toward the back and in a poor position to stay with the pile when it accelerates. I wish I was going to have some teammates in my race but they will all be in the 4-5 race. I am staying in the 5 only race. If I stop getting dropped in the 5 races I'll consider the 4-5.
As you can tell the race nerves are starting up somewhat. I really do need to work on not beating my self up mentally too much in the days leading into a race. Always something to work on.
next entry: Durand Road Race Highlights!
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