Florida is mostly for retired people and not being retired they don't really care if i like it there. So there isn't a whole lot to do of interest save go to the beach (which was lovely)and the pool(also lovely). I did get to soak up tons of florida sun and relax. It has been unusually cold this winter in Minnesota and so sun and warm was as much as I needed to be pleased. While we were gone minnesota got pounded with another snow storm and overnight freezes. I am very happy to have missed out on that one.
In addition to the beach and pool. we went to Disney World. I had been very dubious about going to Disney. I am a bit of a cynic as you will find out by the by and thought it would leave me with hives. But as is commonly the case I was wrong. The Disney experience was a resounding success.
It brought me profound joy to see the hopes of my children come true right in front of them. As you don't know much about me I am an emotional person which is quite a lot of fun, but can be cumbersome at times. Lucky I had brought my dark sun glasses and was free to be get dewy all I wanted.
There are moments in life where the point of it all seem easy to grasp. This last trip was just such. I am not sure if it is easier to feel connected to why when your a parent or not but it is very clear for me on occasion. Such clarity I think is necessary to spackle over the murky bits. It needs to be potent stuff too, there are far more murky bits than clear ones it would seem. So this will have to sustain me for a while.
Additional note: Disney's Animal Kingdom was very nicely done and I would recommend it for all the kids.
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