Me and my main training buddy.
Me hauling my totally shot ass... legs, arms, back, front, and lungs, across the line : )
That's me in the green coming through a wooded and really hilly section
Well that's enough whining about the snow. Other than that really positive experience. great people, teammates from cycling racing, family and skiing friends all there cheering each other on. The good karma was in full flow on sunday. I skied the last 4 or 5 kilometers with the mayor of minneapolis, super fun.
Below is the data from my garmin. My heart rate was in climbing threshold most of the time. 3 straight hours of threshold punctuated by max efforts will really make a guy tuckered : ) for those who may be interested my tested vo2 max is 182.

I am still digesting what happened yesterday it was to say the least a very dense experience.
On to the next.
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