Sunday, May 4, 2008

Am I funny?

We've all see it. That one guy that thinks he's very funny. At ever cocktail party he's over there doing his shtick and everyone around him nods chuckles and stairs at there drinks. Because he's not funny and everyone is to polite to tell him. Even his poor wife standing there embarrassed doesn't have the heart to tell him. The problem he doesn't know he's not funny. and he goes on and on embarrassing himself. 

My race was yesterday.  So after years of speculation  and rumor by many and there is finally irrefutable evidence the facts are in. I am in fact a looser. I came in dead last... and not by a little. Fuck. The part of the race that hurt the most was to resign to it. To roll over and die. About three quarters of the way through the course  it was glaringly obvious I was alone off the back.  I had such bad cramping in my butt that I could barely sit and when I tried to lean into the pedals I got shooting pains from the center of my butt where the muscle attaches to the bone all the way down into my knees. I was painted in to a corner. I couldn't go any faster. I crawled my way to the finish. 

As I crossed there were a group of riders and spectators standing around the finish line. I heard one say to the other " now that's just embarrassing"

So......... Am I funny?

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