Sunday, February 28, 2010

The Short Story

Here are a few pictures and a short bit on how the birke went.

Over all went really well. my time was 4:15 that is 53 minutes faster than last year and 10% higher in the standings. I still have a long way to go but took a huge bite out of it this year.

Like last year the birke is unbelievable hard. There is nothing all year that is this hard. The loppet was hard but the birke was harder be a good share.

I had really fast skis up to 00 the half way point and then the race was on south facing slopes from then on and my ski's slowed in the warmer snow. But I had build a bit of a cushion in the first half which I needed with the slower ski's.

All in all though really good.

More later....

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