Thursday, February 25, 2010


It's less that 36 hours until the Birkebiener and the gitters are setting in nicely thank you very much. I will say however, this years nerves are nothing compained to the full on panik of 09. Honestly I feel ok, not great not bad, basic ok. Work and life has been stressful, and being on taper always goofs me up. I don't sleep well on taper and just about the time your settled you have to go ski a marathon. You don't realy get to bask in the glow of the taper. I do feel ready however, and I think that's a good sign.

A few changes for this year. I'm not drinking the provided energy drink. By the 40k marker last year my stomach was a mess and I couldn't get anything else down. Consequently the last 10k was a bonky wonderland. As far as I know I was pretty sure I skied with the care bears, rainbows and unicorns, for about 45 minutes. The Birke is a garanteed bonk. So you just have be ok with that I guess.

This year I'm and going to carry a water bottle with hammer perpetuem. I have used it on long rides and I find it is good at holding off the bonk and is easy on my stomach. I like gatorade endurance too but I think perpetuem is a little beefier. So water at the aid stations and gu every 45min or so. Then after doubleO ( roughly the half way point ) start drinking the perpetuem. I am hopeful this will give me a better final stretch. They have bananas too I may try a few bites of banana along the way too. We'll see if any of it makes a difference.

Perhaps being less crazy this year is a good omen. I wish I were superstitious. All have to do is sacrifice a goat and I'm good to go.

36 hour .... Tick tock.

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