Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Bicycle racing and shaved legs

So as you may know most bicycle racers shave there legs. Here are the following reasons in order that are most commonly perscribed.

  1. If you reck the wounds will heal faster ( probably true)
  2. Its aerodynamic (probably so nominal it really doesn't matter)
  3. It affects you mental state, your legs look morre muscular and to if affects your perseption  (true)
  4. It makes post ride messages more effective( true) 
  5. It looks nice. (matter of opinion)
  6. It's a badge of honor or symbol that your serious. (this I think is the real reason most people do it.)
So the race is next saturday I have been thinking of whether I should shave my legs or not for about a month. I've been really consternating about it. Am I being a poser? I am waaay to old for this sort of nonsense. Will non biking nutbags think I'm a weirdo?

I decided to go for it! Fuck it! I'm going to be in a bike race, have fun with it ... go for it... so here are the pictures of the gams. Or have I totally lost it? : )

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